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180 Strand – The French Dispatch exhibition

Well crikey – it’s been 2 and a half years since my last post and so it’s only fitting that my return to form should be regarding a film about a paper about a city. Yes I’m talking about cinephile Pied Piper Wes Anderson’s latest work; The French Dispatch. I’m not going to review the film but instead talk about the accompanying exhibition that’s treating … Continue reading 180 Strand – The French Dispatch exhibition

Being nosy at the National Theatre

London is full of interesting buildings that we visit every day. Unsurprisingly, you may visit a building hundreds of times only ever to see half of what has to offer and never its more interesting and hidden facets. Take a theatre for example. As an audience member you visit the box office, the foyer and then you take your seats. Perhaps you visit the bar … Continue reading Being nosy at the National Theatre